
what the heck?
Let’s get to dinking
What is dinking in Pickleball? It is simple… a dink shot is a well placed shot that makes your opponent’s next shot unattacklabe.
By unattackable, we mean they cannot smash it back at you or hit it hard or it will likely hit the net.
Simple sounding
Not. This is a shot you will use in arsenal to set up your offensive attacks. It is part of a series of shots that will put your opponent out of position and forcing them to make an error.
Dinking is about hitting your targets
While dinking, you essentially have 3 targets on the court:
Two are near the sidelines at either side of the court and the third one at the center line. All of these targets are in the kitchen space.
By hitting these targets with a soft and gentle touch, your will force your opponent to reach for the ball and have to move their position.
Work on this. Train. Drill.
progreso pickleball
Progreso, Yucatan
info @ progresopickleball.com